Berto Jongman Et Al: 9-11 Odds and Ends + Meta RECAP

Berto Jongman: 9/11 Investigation and Strategy of Tension Berto Jongman: Media Ignores 9/11 Calm Amidst Chaos Berto Jongman: New 9/11 Investigation Berto Jongman: New Poll Finds Most Americans Open to Alternative 9/11 Theories One in Two Surveyed Have Doubts About Government’s Account of 9/11. 46% Suspect Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 after Viewing Video Footage of …

Gianni Koshinas: What Afghanistan Needs After 2014: A lighter, smarter, long-term commitment

使用谷歌翻译在下一列的顶部。 गूगल अगले स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद का प्रयोग करें. Google sonraki sütunun üstünde Çevir kullanın. Используйте Google Translate на вершине соседней колонке. گوگل اگلے کالم میں سب سے اوپر ترجمہ کا استعمال کریں. What Afghanistan Needs After 2014:  A lighter, smarter, long-term commitment Gianni Koshinas Foreign Policy, 12 February 2013 Maintaining a large …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Continues to Scew Afghanistan

Afghanistan-Pakistan: President Karzai flew to Islamabad to hold meetings with the new government in Islamabad. Karzai is seeking Pakistani assistance in facilitating talks with the Afghan Taliban. Comment: Karzai’s instincts are accurate in focusing on Pakistan. Without Quetta and continuous Pakistani official protection, the Afghan Taliban leadership would have had no place from which to …

Marcus Aurelius: Conflicted About Ethics, Secrecy, & the Public Interest

COMMENTS: 1.  This is one of more internally contradictory pieces I can remember reading; 2.  Mark Bowden certainly knows a thing or three about perpetuating compromise of classified information since he’s done bunch of it; 3.  Bowden harkens back to old saying, “.. there are good secrets, there are bad secrets, and there are non-secrets …

Berto Jongman: Detained in the U.S.: Filmmaker Laura Poitras Held, Questioned Some 40 Times at U.S. Airports

Detained in the U.S.: Filmmaker Laura Poitras Held, Questioned Some 40 Times at U.S. Airports The Academy Award-nominated filmmaker Laura Poitras discusses how she has been repeatedly detained and questioned by federal agents whenever she enters the United States. Poitras said the interrogations began after she began working on her documentary, “My Country, My Country,” …