Yoda: Catholic Church Reconnects with Poor — Liberation Theology is Back IN — Islam & All Other Religions Should Take Notice…

Fundamental, this is. A Church for the Poor Paul Vallery New York Times, 4 September 2014 LONDON — Pope Francis grabbed headlines recently when he announced that Rome had lifted the block on sainthood for Archbishop Óscar Romero of San Salvador, who was shot dead while saying Mass in 1980. But much less attention was …

Tom Atlee: OSE Meme Reaches Heartcom.org

Robert:  Your meme is traveling in some interesting places! 🙂  – Tom http://www.heartcom.org/FutureEarth.htm Fuller Challenge Series Heartcom Network The Future of Earth – Open Source Everything “This is that moment when in the proliferation of uncertainty and the proliferation of chaos, we are ready to take the next quantum leap in our evolution.”   ~ Deepak …

John Maguire: Stockholm Syndrome of the Soul – Proto-Intelligence for the Evolution of Collective Thought

*A Stockholm Syndrome of the Soul: Proto-Intelligence for the Evolution of Collective Thought* *Preface* “[Nothing] is [certain]. There is so much mystery involving consciousness…these are just ideas to play around with and to entertain rather than [some] new form of certitude.” – Jeremy Narby, Anthropologist and Author of The Cosmic Serpent This book is not …

SchwartzReport: Death of Religion in the USA

There are always unintended consequences resulting from hate. I take this as good news. Christian Right Has Major Role in Hastening Decline of Religion in America CJ WERLEMAN – AlterNet (U.S.) The fastest growing religious faith in the United States is the group collectively labeled ‘Nones,” who spurn organized religion in favor of non-defined skepticism …

Berto Jongman: Sorcha Fall on Malaysian Airlines & Possible Cloaking of Aircraft As Used to Fake 9/11

We know this person as David Booth and a regular enhancer often accused of fabrication, but his thinking is worth considering and he generally adds value to any topic. Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers A new report circulating in the Kremlin …