Stephen E. Arnold: Edward Snowden on Criminalization of Journalism

Snowden Speaks on Whistleblowers and the Criminalization of Journalism Edward Snowden, somewhat of an expert on high-profile whistle blowing and its aftermath, recently shared his thoughts on the freedom of the press with journalist Glenn Greenwald. Citing the interview, Newsweek reports, “Edward Snowden Says ‘War on Whistleblowers’ Trend Shows a ‘Criminalization of Journalism.’” The trend …

Zero Hedge: Globalist Reset Failing? Columbia Dean a Satanic Pedophile Gone Insane?

Is The Globalist “Reset” Failing? The Elites May Have Overplayed Their Hand “The globalists may have overplayed their hand… Many Americans are not as stupid as the elites think. They see the inconsistencies in the rhetoric and the data and they are increasingly prone to refuse to comply…” “Free Speech Is Being Weaponized”: Columbia Dean …

John Whitehead: (Fake) Pandemic Threat Is (Real) Psychological Warfare & False Imprisonment

Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat The nation is being overtaken by an alien threat that invades bodies, alters minds, and transforms freedom-loving people into a mindless, compliant, conforming mob intolerant of anyone who dares to be different, let alone think for themselves. However, while Body Snatchers—the chilling 1956 …