Sepp Hasslberger: Artificial Leaf Self Heals Produces Energy from Dirty Water

Producing hydrogen from water, sunlight and some catalyst-coated chips of silicon – we are getting closer to doable home electricity for the technically challenged… ‘Artificial leaf’ gains the ability to self-heal damage and produce energy from dirty water Another innovative feature has been added to the world’s first practical “artificial leaf,” making the device even more …

Sepp Hasslberger: Monsanto GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic — and Totally Approved by a Corrupt US Congress

Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic Is GMO corn nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO corn? Monsanto will tell you the answer is a big ‘yes’, but the real answer is absolutely not. And the simple reality is that they are continuing to get away with their blatant misinformation. In fact, a 2012 nutritional analysis of genetically …

Sepp Hasslberger: Muammer Yildiz magnetic energy generator stands alone

Another game-changing technology. Built by Turkish inventor Muammer Yildiz, demonstrated here at Delft University in the Netherlands to a critical public of engineers and energy researchers Muammer Yildiz magnetic energy generator – a functioning magnetic motor without external power input  Free Tesla Energy is possible says Muammer Yildiz at the university of Delft, as he …

Sepp Hasslberger: Bladeless Wind Turbine

…sounds like an interesting development. Working with electrically charged water droplets and wind to produce energy.  3 minute video below. Invention of the day: A bladeless wind turbine It may look like a giant airplane window strung with Venetian blinds, but this structure, designed by Dutch architecture firm Mecanoo and installed at the Delft University …

Sepp Hasslberger: World’s largest solar power plant

Sepp Hasslberger‘s insight: It took $ 600 million and 3 years to build this – not bad for a plant that doesn’t need fuel, leaves no polluting exhaust and is extremely safe. Arabia could be exporting electricity instead of oil. Future business for desert countries? Who needs oil? World’s largest solar power plant with 258,000 …

Sepp Hasslberger: The Revolution Will Be (3D) Printed

Letters at 3AM: The Revolution Will Be Printed Digital fabrication will change the course of the future Michael Ventura The Austin Chronicle, 8 February 2013 That headline has been digitally duplicated (plagiarized) from David Bjerklie’s essay in Time‘s special edition: “100 New Scientific Discoveries.” Bjerklie’s headline says it all. Three-dimensional manufacturing is the making of …