Eagle: Mitt Romney Almost Certainly Committed Voter Fraud in 2008 – Could This Be Ron Paul’s Ticket to the High Table?

Mitt faces up to 5 years in jail & $10,000 fine if he did not live in his son’s unfinished basement Last edited Tue Apr 17, 2012, 02:30 PM USA/ET – Edit history (3) Mitt Romney, guilty of voter fraud? Posted on April 17, 2012 Mitt Romney faces up to five years in jail and …

Winston Wheeler: Lies, Damn Lies, & Panetta-Pentagon Criminal Insanity

Cost growth in the last year in DOD’s acquisition system was $74 billion, 34 percent more than the $55 billion presumed to occur in the sequester in January; while the time frames are different (see discussion below), so much for Secretary of Defense Panetta’s asinine rhetoric that sequester would be a “Doomsday.” Analysis of two recent acquisition reports …

Eagle: NSA Whistle-Blower: Obama Worse than Bush

NSA whistle-blower: Obama “worse than Bush” Thomas Drake on life inside the National Security Agency and the price of truth telling Matthew Harwood Salon, 7 March 2012 Thomas Drake, the whistle-blower whom the Obama administration tried and failed to prosecute for leaking information about waste, fraud and abuse at the National Security Agency, now works …

Marcus Aurelius: Slouching Toward Persistent War

COMMENT:  Only a couple of things wrong with the scenario described below:  (1) Vickers works for a POTUS, Administration and Congress committed to emasculating the National security operation IOT underwrite the incompetent/unindustrious/etc.; and (2) not always possible to be optimally surgical. Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2012, Pg. 30 Slouching Toward Persistent War Even as our …