Sterling Seagrave: Chinese Cornering Gold, Saudi Rejection of Petro-Dollars, Eastern Gold-Backed Currencies

Have a nice day! Cornering the Gold Market: China Close to Buying Half of World Gold Production In 2013, China bought 1,132 tonnes of the precious metal, making it the biggest buyer of gold in the world. According to the World Gold Council, demand for gold bullion in China will increase by 20% by 2017 …

Rickard Falkvinge: Swedish Media Under Control, As Corrupt As US Media (Yes, That Is a Calculated Indictment)

One Month Before Elections, Swedish Oldmedia’s Pretend-Does-Not-Exist Attitude Toward Pirate Party Reaching Ridiculous Levels Pirate Parties: In one month, on May 25 at 20:00, the voting stations close for the European Elections. You’re never entitled to complain when media doesn’t cover you, but for some reason, the fifth-largest party out of Sweden’s eight – the Pirate …

SchwartzReport: Death of Religion in the USA

There are always unintended consequences resulting from hate. I take this as good news. Christian Right Has Major Role in Hastening Decline of Religion in America CJ WERLEMAN – AlterNet (U.S.) The fastest growing religious faith in the United States is the group collectively labeled ‘Nones,” who spurn organized religion in favor of non-defined skepticism …

David Swanson: Do We Blame Sociopaths — or a Society Become Pathologically Dysfunctional?

Can We Really Blame Sociopaths? I’ve been hearing increasingly from multiple quarters that the root of our problems is psychopaths and sociopaths and other loosely defined but definitely different beings from ourselves.  Rob Kall has produced a quite interesting series of articles and interviews on the subject. I want to offer some words of caution …

Mini-Me: 9/11 Convergence 15th Anniversary — Silverstein Briefed Jews on Plans for New Towers 17 Months Before 9/11

Huh? SHORT URL: NEW 2018-02-25 Paul Adams: As I was listening to the 9/11 segment of the interview, you should know I just viewed a documentary where Larry Silverstein in front of a group of Jews, explained how in April 2000 – 17 months before 9/11 – he was reviewing the blueprints for the …

Berto Jongman: Ex-CIA Pilot, Son of Bill Lear(jet), Gives Sworn Testimony No Aircraft Hit Either Twin Tower — Will 9/11 Unraveling PLUS Pedophilia Catalyze Revolution USA?

Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers US Will Have To Rebut Or Accept Statement As Truth A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers as it would have been physically impossible. John Lear, the son of Learjet inventor, …