Koko: China Rules Africa — and Ghost Towns…. + China Meta-RECAP

2013-04-03  Applause for China-Africa cooperation (Zambia) 2012-09-18  In Africa’s warm heart, a cold welcome for Chinese (Malawi) 2012-09-03  China in Africa, a Sierra Leonean viewpoint 2012-07-04  Why has China built a ghost town in Africa? Eerie footage shows brand new Angolan city designed for 500,000 lying empty 2011-07-19  Cameron warns Africans over the ‘Chinese invasion’ as …

GIGANET: World Wide Web Integrity Index — Call for Consultants

Call for Consultants to lead and review research on the Web’s use, utility and impact in 80 countries, contributing to the 2013 Web Index. http://globalintegrity.org/blog/web-index-hiring — Who We Are Looking For:  Professionals from the fields of journalism, non-governmental organization, academia and the private sector with proven record in performing high-quality interviews and desk research, meeting …

Review: Global Trends 2030 – Alternative Worlds [Paperback, Well Priced]

National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI/NIC) 3.0 out of 5 stars $75 Billion a Year and This is the Poster Child for the Public, March 26, 2013 Certainly worth reading, along with other and generally better reports linked below, but a huge disappointment. There is nothing here actually useful to …

2007 Earth Intelligence Network — Authors, Books, Centers, Forecasts

Earth Intelligence Network SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/EIN-Experts Cited Authors Ranked by Mary Ellen Bates Using File 7 (Social Science Citation Index) at Dialog.  Books selected and most reviewed by Robert Steele.  Centers and Forecasts developed by Winston Maike (RIP).  Pending migration the original postings of authors, books, and centers can be seen at  Global Challenges and …

2007 Winston Maike — In Memory — EIN Topic Summaries & Forecasts

Winston Maike (RIP) was the earliest adopter of the OSS.Net concepts and contributed in many ways over the years from 1993 onwards.  He corrected the Latin in the first motto, E Vertiate Potens (From Truth, We the People Are Made Powerful), and was the principal mind and drafter of the Earth Intelligence Network topic summaries …

Reference: DNI Global Threat Testimony 2013

2013-03-12 DNI to SSCI Threat Assessment HIGHLIGHTS: Recognizes how quickly and radically the world — and our threat environment — are changing. “This environment is demanding reevaluations of the way we do business, expanding our analytic envelope, and altering the vocabulary of intellignece.  Threats are more diverse, interconnected, and viral than at any other time …

Paul Craig Roberts: Huge Chavez – Challenging Imperialism

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. His latest book, The Failure of Laissez Faire …