Stephen E. Arnold: Cloudtenna for Global-Local Search?

Cloudtenna for Combined Cloud and Local Search Here’s a claim we’ve heard before: ZDNet declares, “Find a File Anywhere: Cloudtenna Targets Local and Cloud File Search.” Writer Robin Harris begins by describing the problem this upgrade addresses—an increasing number of cloud storage locations, combined with on-premise servers, make good search solutions even more challenging to …

Review: Life After Google – The Fall Of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy by George Gilder

George Gilder 3 Stars Fad Book Limited Value I gave up on this book after 100 pages (it is 320 pages long). I normally do not waste time writing negative reviews  but in this instance think it appropriate to mention that I found it wanting. The first third, on Google, is so far-fetched in its …

Stephen E. Arnold: Journal Subscription Doomsday

Journal Subscription Doomsday Is Upon Us China might have the great firewall when it comes to blocking access, but another infamous digital wall is the great academic paywall a.k.a. subscription paywalls that block access to scientific and academic journals. That could all be changing. Researchers everywhere are shocking and gasping at the thought of have …

Robert Steele: Open Letter to GeekWire on Gab, #GoogleGestapo, the ADL/AIPAC, & the Future of Public Cyber

In re After GoDaddy cut ties following Pittsburgh shooting, Gab back online thanks to Seattle startup I ran a false flag for the CIA and am a top author on false flags including edited works for the President on 9/11 and Sandy Hook at and I also published the below free version at …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Policeware Outpacing Oracle, Microsoft

Amazon: Policeware Capability Microsoft May Not Be Able to Duplicate New partners, new data, and new outputs — Amazon is moving forward, and I am not sure Microsoft as well as fellow travelers like Google and Oracle can match Amazon’s forced march in its effort to reword the intelligence and law enforcement intelligence ecosystem. Read …