NIGHTWATCH: Libyan Collaborators with USA Compromised – Embassy Breach, Captured Laptop(s) – Ambassador dies from smoke inhalation in an improperly designed “safe room”

US-Libya: Update: The British news outlet, The Independent, today published a detailed list of the extent of the security disaster in Benghazi, which goes beyond the tragic murders. According to The Independent, laptops were stolen that contain lists of Libyans who cooperate with the Americans, classified papers were taken and classified data was compromised. NightWatch …

NIGHTWATCH: Silence of the Diplomatic Gerbils, Failure of US Intelligence & USMC

Libya:Multiple sources have reported more details on the events that led to the death of Ambassador Stephens. The details suggest this was another case of well-intentioned but misguided hubris by Americans, as to their own safety, and well-aimed and well- targeted attacks by the Muslim attackers. This appears, in fact, to have been a deliberate …

Chuck Spinney: Investigating NATO’s War Crimes Against Libya

Investigations Around Libya NATO’S Craven Coverup of Its Libyan Bombing by VIJAY PRASHAD, Counterpunch, March 15, 2012 Ten days into the uprising in Benghazi, Libya, the United Nations’ Human Rights Council established the International Commission of Inquiry on Libya. The purpose of the Commission was to “investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law in …

Marcus Aurelius: SOF, Syria, and Pandora’s Box, February 17, 2012 This Week at War: The Toughest Op By Robert Haddick In my Foreign Policy column, I discuss whether Admiral William McRaven’s request for greater operational freedom for Special Operations Command will extend to an unconventional warfare campaign in Syria. This week, the New York Times reported on a draft proposal circulating …

Ralph Peters: Testimony to Congress on Pakistan As a Failing Empire, Focus on Baluchistan

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations House Committee on Foreign Affairs Baluchistan Hearing, February 8, 2012 Testimony of Ralph Peters, military analyst and author “PAKISTAN AS A FAILING EMPIRE” 2012-02-09 Ralph Peters House Testimony, Baluchistan and Pakistan (8 pages, doc) Introductory remarks: This testimony arises from three premises. First, we cannot analyze global events through reassuring …

Cynthia McKinney: US & Israel Against Africa & Arabia

Cynthia McKinney, 10 October 2011. Third of Four Installments on Libya: Israel and Libya Once again, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya peels away the veneer of legitimacy and deception enveloping the U.S./NATO genocide currently taking place in Libya. In his first article, Nazemroaya exposed the mechanism by which the world came to “know” of the need for …