Journal: USA Can Ignore Reality, But Reality Is NOT Going to Ignore the USA…

This Country Just Can’t Deal with Reality Any More By Robert Parry, Consortium News Posted on September 16, 2010, Printed on September 21, 2010 As Election Day 2010 approaches – as the United States wallows in the swamps of war, recession and environmental degradation – the consequences of the nation’s three-decade-old decoupling from reality are …

Search: Integrity

We worship at the altar of integrity, for us “God” is integrity manifest in all things at all times. Hence, Hell is what we have now, with corruption rampant, true costs concealed and externalized to the public, and a potential paradise lost to the ten high-level threats to humanity: poverty, infectious disease, environmental degradation, inter-state …

Journal: What Is the Threat? Time to Get Serious…

New superbug could make antibiotics ‘redundant’ A new superbug being brought into Britain by patients having surgery abroad could make antibiotics redundant, researchers have warned. By Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor Telegraph UK Published: 6:30AM BST 11 Aug 2010 FULL STORY ONLINE

Journal: DoD QDR–incomplete, incoherent, incredible…

In simple terms, the collection of links below centered on the latest Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), come to the general conclusion that the Department of Defense (DoD) can no longer think, strategize, complete staff work, or acquire the right capabilities to do what DoD is supposed to do (which is also a topic lacking consensus). …

Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative)

The long list below is organized along the lines of the Revolutionary Prediction Matrix discussed in a short Marine Corps University paper and a longer graduate thesis, to wit: Political-Legal; Socio-Economic; Ideo-Cultural; Techno-Demographic; and Natural-Geographic. It is also available online as Chapter 20: “21st Century Counterintelligence: Evaluating the Health of the Nation” in the new …