Berto Jongman: “Russian Spring” Will De-Americanize Europe as CELAC is De-Americanizing Central and South America

Cyber attack: ‘The Russian Spring’ in the hands of Putin, domination of Europe is close Submitted by CWZ on Sun, 03/16/2014 Does the name Aleksand Dugin ring you any bells? Well, he is one of the advisors of Putin and on 9 March 2014 he provided Putin a plan on how to dominate Europe. Aleksandr Dugin …

Owl: Epidemic of Banker Suicides — CIA Role? What Will We Learn Soon? [3 Articles]

Lots of Banker Suicides – or Bankers Suicided – Lately There has been a rash of articles coming out of the alternative Web press in the last 2-3 weeks about the untimely deaths of bankers, financiers, financial journalists and Wall Street types that smell, in most cases, very fishy, and the number and frequency of …

Review: American Nations – A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America

Colin Woodard 5.0 out of 5 stars Nine Nations Was a Snap-Shot — This Is Deep History & Ends Thoughtfully, February 16, 2014 I bought this book prepared to dislike it, having given a rave review to Joel Garreau’s The Nine Nations of North America. Let me settle that one immediately. I loved this book. …

David Swanson: Trial of Drone Protesters Puts US Government on Trial

On Trial, Drone Protester Proves Wrong People Charged By Judith Bello Closing Argument presented on Janurary 31, 2014, by Judith Bello on trial as of those who protested at Hancock Air Base in New York State on  October 25, 2012 Ed Kinane Tells Judge Why He Protests Drone Killing By Ed Kinane Ed Kinane, CLOSING …