SchwartzReport: ‘Revolutionary’ Advanced Battery Leaps Theoretical Maximum Boundary

Battery technology may not seem like a very glamorous sector of science but is critical to developments in a hundred areas from mobile phones to cars and buses. Here is some interesting new research. ‘Revolutionary’ Advanced Battery Leaps Theoretical Maximum Boundary TINA CASEY – Clean Technica/The Raw Story Just when you thought you knew everything …

Berto Jongman: Linking Climate, Food Prices, & Revolution

Chinese Drought, Wheat, and the Egyptian Uprising: How a Localized Hazard became Globalized Did climate change play an indirect role in the political upheavals that rocked Egypt in 2011? Absolutely, says Troy Sternberg. As he sees it, a once-in-a-century drought in China dramatically reduced global wheat supplies and sent prices skyrocketing in the world’s largest …

Mini-Me: Global Revolution – Rethinking Assumptions

Globalrevolution / Network movements / Technopolitics | Berlin 31.01.2014 | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Presentation Transcript 1. globalrevolution/ network-movements/ technopolitics/ adrià rodríguez @adriaral participating with Fundación de los Comunes participating with #GRRN Global Revolution Research Network developing Project Kairós berlin 31.01.2014 2. *A big part of the data and ideas here presented are the insights …

Jean Lievens: A Most Revolutionary World — With No Revolution — Extraordinary Photo Essay

Around the World in 843 Protests: Living the Most Revolutionary Times in History Bernardo Gutierrez, 19 April 23014 We sail in an unstable political ocean, surfing bursts of protests and unexpected revolts emerging across the globe: 843 large protests in the last eight years. If Karl Marx raised his head, he would be absolutely …

SchwartzReport: Physics Revolution – Discovering Consciousness as Matter

This report on the latest developments concerning consciousness research in physics is a wonderful illustration of a trend: the cutting edge of physicalist research is confronting consciousness. It is now one step away. Note two things: 1) the acknowledgement that the model is incomplete, missing a link, and a paradox: “why does the information content …

Yoda: Saudi Arabia on Brink of Revolution?

Leftward Shift by Conservative Cleric Leaves Saudis Perplexed Robert F. Worth New York Times, 5 April 2014 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — When this country’s ultraconservative clerics make news, it is often for embarrassing reasons: unleashing fatwas against soap operas, for instance, or declaring Mickey Mouse to be a “soldier of Satan.” Lately, however, one of …

SchwartzReport: Concentration of Wealth at Violent Revolution Tipping Point – 85 Individuals versus 50% of Total Population

What particularly stood out for me in this report was that the last time I looked at this it was 300 individuals had as much wealth as 42 per cent of the rest of the world population. Now it is 85 and 50 per cent. As history has shown repeatedly when inequality gets to a …