Mini-Me: Global Revolution – Rethinking Assumptions

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Globalrevolution / Network movements / Technopolitics | Berlin 31.01.2014 | Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung Presentation Transcript

1. globalrevolution/ network-movements/ technopolitics/ adrià rodríguez @adriaral participating with Fundación de los Comunes participating with #GRRN Global Revolution Research Network developing Project Kairós berlin 31.01.2014

2. *A big part of the data and ideas here presented are the insights of the datanalysis15m research group based in Barcelona, and the study “Tecnopolítica y 15M, la potencia de las multitudes conectadas”, coordinated by Javier @Toret. Find more information here All these slides are under a CC BY SA license

3. ON #GLOBALREVOLUTION What does #globalrevolution means? *comon patterns *nation-State is no longer the framework *protests get directly global *geopolitical earthquake: shaking global governance *three transversal axis: the how, the who and the what technopolitics (how): new ways of affection and comunication, Internet, social media, social networks. composition (who): highly-educated generation, hyperconected youths, impoverishment, broken social ladder, structural crisis labour market (high unemployment rates, precarity and flexibility as the norm), debt (household and/or public debt), Structural Adjustment Plans and neoliberal reforms, attack to the commons. democracy (what): institutional crisis, crisis of representation, nation-state crisis, governance crisis, corruption, constitutional crisis. The networked character of modern society makes country-specific unrest predictions pointless. There is, in reality, one political entity that matters. Right now it is more unequal than it’s ever been; its core economic model is destroyed; the consent of its citizens to be governed is eroded. It is the world – Paul Mason (on The Economist’ unrest predictions)
4. ON #GLOBALREVOLUTION Number of world protests by main grievance/demand 2006-2013

5. ON #GLOBALREVOLUTION The logics of contagion and the protests worldwide 2010-2013 #15o 2011 World protest in more than 1000 cities

6. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS 1. Twitterevolution? or *Technopolitics paradigm Technopolitics is not clicktivism nor cyberactivism. Technopolitics is not just the mere use of the Internet and social networks, but a new paradigm of political organization, affection, communication and struggling through and within the net. Technopolitics is not about Internet itself but about the capacity of Internet to increase the political potentialities of the hiperconected multitudes, to increase capacities of cooperation and affection between brains/bodies through the Internet tools. Technopolitics paradigm is not homogenic, there are differences between countries and regions: differences on digital divide, internet cultures, and digital alphabetization. Internet use grows a 20% during the emergence of the #15m and the occupation of the squares all around Spain in 2011. This increase is mainly on the use of Facebook and Twitter.

7. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS New political paradigm #15m 2011 network (cooperation and interaction) spanish political parties network (competitivity and identity)

8. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS 2. Social movements? or *Network-system *Network-movements Network-system its a complex network with a multiplicity of nodes which are articulated organically and in a ever changing way. Network-movements go beyond the sociological cathegory of social movements. They are articulated through the network and reach and involve a much more larger number of people than the ‘former’ social movements.

9. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS network-system #15m 2011 network-system #15m 2012

10. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS 3. Horizontailty? Leaderless? or *Transversality *Distributed/temporary/ coreographical leadership Social media use is not characterized by absolute horizontality, but is rather accompanied by the rise of new forms of soft leadership. The term “choreography” is a metaphor to render the idea that at the time of social media protest activity is not as spontaneous and disorganised as it might appear at first sight. Rather, by using social media, acting as Facebook admins or popular movement tweeps, contemporary digital activists come to act as choregraphers or soft leaders of sorts – Paolo Gerbaudo

11. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS transversality and distributed/temporary/coreographical leadership

12. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS 4. Fiction vs. Real? or *Geoterritory-Cyberterritory *Simbiosis *Multilayer revolt *Augmented-event Not everyone in the world is in the Internet, but everyone in the Internet is in the world – @Ciudadadano_zero0

13. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS multilayer revolt


15. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS 5. Mass media vs. alternative media? or *Global public sphere *Distributed journalism We can hope for a transformation of mass-media power that will overcome contemporary subjectivity, and for the beginning of a post-media era of collective-individual reappropriation and an interactive use of machines of information, communication, intelligence, art and culture. -F.Guattari (1990)

16. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS The whole world tracking #occupywallstreet upheaval 17.09.2011

17. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS front pages newspapers 11-13 May 2011 front pages newspapers 16-18 May 2011

18. RETHINKING ASSUMPTIONS Front page coverage of Brazilian protests by the Brazilian media Front page coverage of the Arab Srping by the Spanish media

19. SOME CHALLENGES technopolitical challenges network-movements challenges political/institutional challenges *Developing a common semiothics/semanthics/ language for trasnational technopolitics. *Working on new tools, digital alphabetization, a common technopolitical culture(s), and a ‘decolonization’ of technopolitics (Qzone (China), VKontakte (Russia), etc) *Confronting big brother and kill switch (State/market control): net neutrality. *Keep on producing inclusivity and the becoming-99% of the movements *Interwave and strengthen trasnational networkmovements. *Multilayer and multiscale struggles: geoterritorycyberterritoy, global-local. *Deepen institutional changes at the trasnational level (create new trasnational institutions for real democracy). *Defy counterevolutionary situations and forces (see arab winter). *Experiment on new constituent-instituent distributed processess (not just destituent ones).
20. danke schön!

See Also:

Global Revolution (I). Sequence of gestation, explosion and contagion of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (I)

Global Revolution (IV). Challenges, problems and innovations in the phase of evolution of the network movements cycle 2011-2013 (II)

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