Marcus Aurelius: Cyberwar as the Alternative to Micro/Macro Violence

Need To Know: Technolog: In Praise Of Cyberwar It’s better than the alternative. How malware could actually help keep the peace. By Michael Hirsh National Journal, June 9, 2012 EXTRACT: Above all, cybertactics could supply a new way out of an old conundrum — a kind of halfway house between the only two effective options …

Dolphin: Stuxnet – Throwing Rocks When You Live in a Glass House!

Outlines the potential unintended consequences (blowback) resulting from the USG’s apparent covert action employing Stuxnet. Stuxnets are Not in the US National Interest: An Arsonist Calling for Better Fire Codes Jason Healey | June 01, 2012 The United States government has apparently struck a blow against the Iranian nuclear enrichment capability by using Stuxnet to …

Paul Craig Roberts: Collapse at Hand – and ONE THING an Honest Government Could Do To Make It All Right

Collapse At Hand Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year …

Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Computational Perspectives on the Structure and Information Flows in Online Networks Conference About Conferences Israeli Compilation of Iranian Declarations Against Israel Saving Syria Assessing Options for Regime Change Terrorism Crime Nexus Which Path to Persia – Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran