Chuck Spinney: Screwing the Greeks – Deeply

Below are two eye opening reports/analyses by two of the best counterpunchers in Alexander Cockburn’s and Jeffrey St Clair’s stable of bomb throwers.  The subject is Greece: its political/economic crisis and the myths surrounding average Greeks being the cause of its crisis. In the first, Destroying the Livelihoods of Thirteen Million People: The Myth of Greek Profligacy, …

Jon Lebkowsky: Steve Jobs on Convergent Multi-Media

Apple’s convergent television: “I finally cracked it!” We’ve been hearing for two decades now about television/computer/Internet convergence. Televisions sets today are advanced digital products, and we connect computers and specialized set-top boxes to ‘em, but they’re still primarily display devices. In his biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson writes that Jobs ““very much wanted to …

Robert Steele: Electoral Reform Road Trip – Pass It On! And Imagine Every Voter Doing $10 a Year Subscription for Democracy…

After four years constructive unemployment, largely due to the illegal and abusive practices of DIA and DOHA that are being taken to court–I feel called to focus on Electoral Reform. Here is the short URL for a campaign to raise $10,000 to take Electoral Reform hand-outs and stimulate electoral reform dialog across America, visiting each …

Jon Lebkowsky: Contact Summit – “Time to take back the net”

At the Contact Summit. Photo by Steven Brewer This week, on October 20, a diverse assortment of forward-thinking, Internet-savvy, solutions-oriented people gathered in New York City for Contact Summit, a project-focused event organized by Doug Rushkoff and Venessa Miemis. I was originally planning to attend, and was plugged into the small team of organizers. I …