Secrecy News Headlines

**     SECRECY AND CLASSIFICATION — TWO DIVERGING DOMAINS Highly recommended look at Russian and US government convergence on a very large fiction: that information, which has been classified, and is in fact “open source” before or after being bureaucratically “classified,” remains “secret.” **     LEAKS TO AIPAC SAID TO BE “COMMON” Useful insights into the US …

Journal: Seasteading and Start-Up Countries

How to create a startup country December 23, 2010 by Amara D. Angelica At Peter Thiel’s invitation-only “Breakthrough Philanthropy” event in San Francisco on December 7, which brought together Silicon Valley’s top entrepreneurs with eight of the most visionary non-profits, Patri Friedman, grandson of legendary economist Milton Friedman, presented one of the most radical, imaginative …

Worth a Look: Cultural Survival Call to Action

Huichol Call to Action VER ESPANOL ABAJO Dear Colleagues for Human Rights and Environmental Justice, The Wixárika (Huichol) people of Mexico are calling for international support to protect their sacred lands from a Canadian mining company. Please join Cultural Survival in sending urgent emails, faxes, or letters to Mexican government officials. Seventy percent of First …