John Steiner: Department of State Betrays Public Trust, Lies on Keystone — Bill McKibben Organizing National Confrontation

From: “Bill McKibben Reply-To: <> Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2013 Subject: Breaking news on Keystone XL Friends, Yesterday Time Magazine declared that Keystone had become the Stonewall and the Selma of the climate movement — and today we got a reminder of just how tough those fights were, and how tough this one will be. …

Patrick Meier: Haiti and Crisis Mapping — Campaign of Lies Against Innovation in the Public Interest

Haiti: Lies, Damned Lies and Crisis Mapping You’d think there was some kind of misinformation campaign going on about the Ushahidi-Haiti Crisis Map given the number of new lies that are still being manu-factured even thought it has been over three years since the earthquake. Please, if you really want a professional, independent and rigorous account of the project, …

Berto Jongman: The Future, Security, Privacy, and Necessary Lies

Lying becomes essential to protect privacy.  The speaker was a co-founder of Jamais Cascio discusses the Participatory Panopticon, Privacy & Secrecy, the ramifications of Disconnecting from the Chorus, what it means to be a Futurist, the Arc of Human Evolution, Artificial Intelligence, the Need for Meaning, Building Agents to Listen to Us, / …

Pierre Cloutier: Rodrigue Tremblay on Congressional Abdication, US Financial Default — Lies, Fears, and The Chicago Plan Option — Save the Country, Screw the Banks

The U.S. Congress: From One Crisis to Another Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay GlobalResearch, 5 February 2013 One crisis averted, three to come! Indeed, that’s what can be said after the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation on January 23, 2013, to suspend the government’s statutory borrowing limit for three months. In fact, the cycle of artificially …