Worth a Look: Deep Web Multilingual Federated Search

Deep Web Implements the Multilingual Search that Google Imagines Donald A. DePalma 17 December 2009 Filed under (Translation & Localization, Translation Technologies) In an interview with the U.K. newspaper The Daily Telegraph, Google vice president for search products Marissa Mayer challenged the readership to “Imagine what it would be like if there was a tool …

Journal: Time Warner Cable Exposes 65,000 Customer Routers to Remote Hacks

A vulnerability in a Time Warner cable modem and Wi-Fi router deployed to 65,000 customers would allow a hacker to remotely access the device’s administrative menu over the internet, and potentially change the settings to intercept traffic, according to a blogger who discovered the issue. Time Warner acknowledged the problem to Threat Level on Tuesday, …

Journal: Agencies fail to make information sharing a priority

By Jill R. Aitoro 07/30/2009 The Obama administration needs to restructure how interagency information-sharing initiatives are funded and implemented to encourage compliance by agencies that currently place a higher priority on their own missions, government and industry experts told House lawmakers Thursday. “Differing missions, overlapping turf conflicts, resource constraints, bureaucratic inertia and agency tunnel vision …