Search: human brain holistic global

Although a great deal emerges with this search, the reality is that Phi Beta Iota is all about this specific search area. Results, search as stated Below the line: results for Human Aspect, Holistic (Analytic) Aspect, World Brain & Global Game, Related References on Implementation

Search: haiti airfields

Six searches so far this morning merits attention.  Although the machine search produces both the master list hit and the original  listing of all airfields (which SOUTHCOM never really understood, or they were just timid), it does not produce the much cooler graphics that bear on reverse TPFID and regional intermediate TPFID (breaking down big …

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

Robert David Steele Comprehensive Architect, Prime Design Huffington Post, Posted: January 5, 2011 21:08 PM Last week I examined how we might create Infinite Wealth for All, but left for this week the most vital element of life on earth, Water. It is the soul of the Earth, and it is black with the sins …