Journal: Muslim Tide Arousing US Heartland Anger But Loss of Moral Legitimacy Via Israel and Loss of National Intelligence Shackles America

Nazi Eurabia, and America’s Fate By Jim O’Neill Thursday, December 17, 2009 “The Crusader would have been quite justified in suspecting the Muslim even if the Muslim had merely been a new stranger; but as a matter of history he was already an old enemy. The critic of the Crusade talks as if it had …

Journal: Common Sense on Palestine & Israel

Encountering Peace: Getting serious about ‘economic peace’ More than 10 months have passed since President Barack Obama entered the White House and seven months since Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu took over the reins in Jerusalem and there is still no peace process worth mentioning. Phi Beta Iota: Imagine an “Information Wall” available online and projected …

Journal: Obama-Clinton Implode Middle East

Obama Fails in Middle East Robert Dreyfuss on 11/06/2009 Chuck Spinney Sends….. The announcement by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he will not run for reelection is the exclamation point on the utter collapse of the Obama adminstration’s Middle East policy. Launched to great expectations — the appointment of George Mitchell, Obama’s Cairo declaration that …

Journal: Chuck Spinney Flags Moral Clarity Israeli Style

Rattling the Cage: Our exclusive right to self-defense By LARRY DERFNER Oct 7, 2009 Virtually all of Israel is now speaking in one voice against the Goldstone report, against any attempt to blame us over the war in Gaza. We’ve honed our message to a sharp point and, inspired by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s performance …