Karl Marx, Libertarians, & OWS: End STATE Power RECAP

Phi Beta Iota:  Keep an open mind. This is deeply serious and directly relevant to understanding the convergence of the honest right, the honest left, and OccupyWallStreet. Don DeBar (aligned with Cynthia McKinney) sends: Zinoviev on Lenin and the (1905) Petrograd Soviet What Lenin meant to convey was that the Soviets were not the ordinary …

Jon Lebkowsky: Steve Jobs on Convergent Multi-Media

Apple’s convergent television: “I finally cracked it!” We’ve been hearing for two decades now about television/computer/Internet convergence. Televisions sets today are advanced digital products, and we connect computers and specialized set-top boxes to ‘em, but they’re still primarily display devices. In his biography of Steve Jobs, Walter Isaacson writes that Jobs ““very much wanted to …

Event: 26 Oct 2011 Assisi Italy Pope, Peace, & Prayer — 5th Inter-Faith Event Since 1986 — Terms of Reference…

UPDATED 26 October 2011 (Vatican focus on global financial reform / authority, need for ethics – avoids addressing secular corruption as we suggested in below letter sent January 2011) Penguin: Vatican Calls for World Government…Oopps Vatican, Ethics, & Truth I (Full Text Online for Google Translate) Vatican, Ethics, & Truth II (Full Text Online for …

Carterizing Obama–Netanyhu Tells Him Off…

This important essay by Robert Parry contextualizes Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s arrogant stuffing of President Obama, which took place after Obama gave a weak-kneed speech on the Middle East.  If Parry is right, a really dirty game is in the offing. And look at the banality of language that provoked Netanhahu: Obama’s speech purported to …