Reflections: how can the intelligence community remain relevant in the 21st century

Reflections: Seven Steps to US Intelligence Reform I was quite surprised to see multiple searches using the same language. It is an important question that I have been asking — and answering — since 1988 when I helped create the Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (today a mini-me of the larger mis-directed secret intelligence world). My …

Stephen E. Arnold: Cash-Fueled Arrogance Displaced Innovation in IT Sector — No One Paying for the Plumbing [Facebook is Arrogant, Lazy, & Stupid]

Innovation: Bring Cash Last week, two of the senior ArnoldIT professionals delivered a one hour lecture to a select group of executives. The topic was related to our work in locating high-value information using open source content sources. Shortly after our presentation I read “Google Was Willing to Beat Facebook’s $19B Offer for WhatsApp.” Quite …

BUCKY 2.0: Y Worlds at VIMEO [Big Data Cross-Cultural Multi-Disciplinary Visualization with World Brain Educational Potential]

Y Worlds – a community in progress organized about ways to better understand, better communicate, and better organize every aspect of our complex lives. This is NOT a tech on tech project. This is totally focused on the humans, on eliciting from each human in the network real-time interaction, and on educating humans one interaction …

Stephen E. Arnold: Hewlett Packard (HP) Implodes — Stupid Over Autonomy, Corrupt at Root — the Same HP That Killed Alta Vista

Frequentists Versus Bayesians: Is HP Amused? I read a long report and then a handful of spin off reports about HP and Autonomy, mid February 2014 version. The Financial Times’s story is a for fee job. You can get a feel for the information in “HP Executives Knew of Autonomy’s Hardware Sales Losses: Report.” There …

Robert Steele: Repensando la Inteligencia Nacional – Siete falsas premisas

Robert David Steele Vivas : Es fundador de Open Source Solutions Network, Earth Intelligence Network y la Revista Journal of Public Intelligence. Steele, ex agente de la CIA, es reconocido mundialmente como pionero de la inteligencia colectiva, así como también, por ser el primero en denunciar que la CIA y los servicios de inteligencia norteamericanos …