Robert Steele: UNHINGED — Two Books on Terror Reviewed (Rebuttal, a Book of Lies & Broken!, Truth as Fiction)

UNHINGED: American Terror, Torture, & Treason SHORT URL: Robert David Steele PDF (5 Pages): UNHINGED TORTURE as published with cover matter Rebuttal: The CIA Responds to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Study of Its Detention and Interrogation Program by Porter Goss et al, Naval Institute Press, 352 pp., £14.99, September, ISBN 978 1 591 14587 …

Wayne Madsen: CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China UPDATE 2 Russians Accuse CIA on ISIS

October 5-6, 2015 — CIA; Turks created caliphate to launch attacks on Russia and China CIA has been nurturing Russian and Chinese terrorists inside Syria. CONCLUSION: When Obama and his mouth pieces claim that Russia is attacking “non-jihadist” targets in Syria they are being disingenuous. What they should say, if they wanted to be honest, …

Berto Jongman: CIA’s Digital Innovation…

CIA goes live with new cyber directorate, massive internal reorganization The DDI’s formation implies that the CIA is increasingly bent on securing 21st century relevance on the overall American spying landscape, where other agencies — namely the cyber- and electronic-surveillance-focused National Security Agency (NSA) — have emerged as dominant shapers of U.S. intelligence policy.

Steve Aftergood: CIA Cover-Up on Torture + CIA Torture RECAP

CIA Classification Practices Challenged The Central Intelligence Agency has improperly classified and withheld from release at least five categories of information related to its post-9/11 rendition, detention and interrogation program, according to a detailed complaint filed by with the Information Security Oversight Office.

Philip Giraldi: The CIA’s Torture Defenders

The CIA’s Torture Defenders An all-star cast teams up to spin their enhanced interrogation regime. The seven men who contributed to the book (George Tenet, Michael Hayden, Porter Goss, John McLaughlin, Michael Morell, Jose Rodriguez, John Rizzo, and Philip Mudd) are, with the exception of Mudd, quite likely guilty of war crimes …   There are …