Owl: The DHS Cybersecurity Logjam [aka Goat-Fest Scam]

Global Insights: The DHS’ Cybersecurity Logjam By Richard Weitz World Politics Review | 10 Apr 2012 When the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established in March 2003, one of the new department’s primary goals was to enhance U.S. cybersecurity. But after several years passed without major DHS initiatives in this area, observers concluded that …

DefDog: Feds Hype Cyber-Threat, Seek DHS Mandates & Money

Feds Warn of Cyber Threats, Seek Expanded Authority for DHS By Kenneth Corbin March 28, 2012 — CIO — Federal cybersecurity officials on Wednesday gave lawmakers a sobering warning about the vulnerabilities of critical information technology systems across the public and private sectors, describing a laundry list of threats and the challenge of keeping up …

Marcus Aurelius: Breaking Faith – Keep the F-35 Flush the People

In my capacity as a private citizen, I invite your attention to attached Torchbearer Alert from the Association of the United States Army, the Army’s private, non-Governmental, professional association.  It describes in clear and simple terms the “screw job” that the Administration and Department of Defense propose to deliver to those military personnel who have retired, …

Marcus Aurelius: State Wild About Syrian WMD

State Department quietly warning region on Syrian WMDs Foreign Policy, February 24, 2012 The State Department has begun coordinating with Syria’s neighbors to prepare for the handling of President Bashar al-Assad’s extensive WMD assets if and when his regime collapses, The Cable has learned. This week, the State Department sent a diplomatic demarche to Syria’s …