2014 INTERVIEW: Thoughts on Open Source Intelligence

Out of Band: Robert David Steele on OSINT Hal Berghel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas sent questions, here are my answers. Hal Burghel: Tell us about open source generally and open source intelligence specifically. Robert David Steele: It’s vital to remember that the whole point of connectivity is to move and make sense of content, …

2014 Answers: Robert Steele to Adam Hudson on USG IT Innovation & Geospatial

Adam Hudson is a journalist, writer, and photographer. He was born in Oakland, California and raised in Pittsburg/Bay Point, California, a multiethnic working-class suburb in the East Bay Area. He graduated from Stanford University in 2010 with a BA in International Relations and a minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, focusing on the Arabic …

INTERVIEW: TheDailyBell Grills Robert Steele

Former CIA Spy Robert Steele Wants to Strangle Leviathan With ‘Open Source’ Governance With Anthony Wile TheDailyBell– June 29, 2014 The Daily Bell is pleased to present this exclusive interview with Robert Steele SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/Bell-Rings-Steele

Jean Lievens: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon: where do the big four go from here?

Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon: where do the big four go from here? Jamie Carter TechRadar, 22 June 2014 Search engines, social media and text messages are history. The major ‘walled gardens’ of the the internet are developing fast, but all of the big four are betting on various visions of the future. Will the …

Tom Atlee: OSE Meme Reaches Heartcom.org

Robert:  Your meme is traveling in some interesting places! 🙂  – Tom http://www.heartcom.org/FutureEarth.htm Fuller Challenge Series Heartcom Network The Future of Earth – Open Source Everything “This is that moment when in the proliferation of uncertainty and the proliferation of chaos, we are ready to take the next quantum leap in our evolution.”   ~ Deepak …