Marcus Aurelius: Jennifer Sims Party Line on Military Clandestine Service with Robert Steele Comment + RECAP

Here we go again…. Why the CIA Is Applauding the Pentagon’s Intelligence Grab Jennifer Sims Foreign Affairs, May 18, 2012 Last month, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced the creation of a new U.S. espionage agency: the Defense Clandestine Service, or DCS. DCS is expected to expand the …

Mini-Me: General Alexander Wants to Legislate “Critical Systems” IT Security

Huh? NSA’s Gen. Alexander: Companies Should Be Required To Fortify Networks Against Cyberattack By Ellen Nakashima Checkpoint Washington (, May 4, 2012 Gen. Keith Alexander, the head of the nation’s largest spy agency and its cyberwarfare command, is urging adoption of legislation to require companies providing critical services such as power and transportation to fortify …

Stephen Marrin: Evaluating the Quality of Intelligence Analysis: By What (Mis) Measure? With Comment by Robert Steele

Stephen Marrin Post-revision draft18 July 2011. Original draft submitted to Intelligence and National Security on 4 February 2011. Accepted for publication on 24 May 2011 pending minor revision. Evaluating the Quality of Intelligence Analysis: By What (Mis) Measure?< Dr. Stephen Marrin is a Lecturer in the Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies at Brunel University …

DefDog: Counter-IED Network Analysis – Works for Law Enforcement, Ignored by US Military

When we worked on the Manhunting Project for SOCOM, the US Marshall’s Service said that fugitive hunting was all about network analysis. The IC doesn’t understand network analysis as the bean counters push for numbers….they focus on low hanging fruit and as a result there is always some guy out there ready to step up …