ANSWERS by Robert Steele for Joseph Cotto, San Francisco Review of Books

The San Francisco Review of Books is about to start posting some of Robert Steele’s 2000+ non-fiction reviews for Amazon (all available free online in both lists and by each of 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota / Reviews).  Here are some answers he offered to our questions in five short postings: As Published: 01 …

Anonymous: WWIII Over North Korea UPDATE 1

Anonymous warns world to ‘prepare’ for World War 3 According to Anonymous, President Trump’s test of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile last week — coupled with a recent warning from Japanese officials to citizens, telling them to make preparations for a possible nuclear attack — are ultimately proof that all signs are pointing to a …

Antechinus: A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences

A multi-level analysis of the US cruise missile attack on Syria and its consequences I think that the so-called “elites” in charge running the USA are infinitely arrogant, stupid, uneducated, incompetent and irresponsible.  I don’t buy the “managed chaos” theory nor do I buy the notion that if before the Anglo-Zionists imposed their order on …

Yoda: US Whites Dying of Despair…

Stronger, signals are… Study finds white working class increasingly dying ‘deaths of despair’ Chicago Tribune An abandoned house in Schuylkill County, Penn., a region of the state that has a rich coal mining history, but now mostly boasts closed mines.

DefDog: Judge Andrew Napolitano on Warrantless Search & Seizure (and Blackmail and Political Assassination) by US Secret Intelligence Community

Andrew P. Napolitano, a former judge of the Superior Court of New Jersey, is a contributor to The Washington Times. He is the author of seven books on the U.S. Constitution. The spooks have come home to roost Americans have traded away their privacy for safety We have enabled a deep state to become powerful …