Chuck Spinney: Egypt Emergent, Syria Sidelined, Palestian Justice Ready or Not….

Only a few weeks ago, most western observers had written off Mohamed Morsi, the new President of Egypt and a moderate member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a stooge who would dance to the tune of the military rulers of the Egyptian deep state.  That view is rapidly changing.  Morsi quickly consolidated power by forcing …

Patrick Meier: Geo-Fencing and Grass Roots Emergency Communications and Geo-Referenced Sense-Making

How People in Emergencies Use Communication to Survive “Still Left in the Dark? How People in Emergencies Use Communication to Survive — And How Humanitarian Agencies Can Help” is an excellent report pub-lished by the BBC World Service Trust earlier this year. It is a follow up to the BBC’s 2008 study “Left in the Dark: The Unmet Need …

Marcus Aurelius: CIA on the Margins of Syria, Choking the Chicken

Deja vu on Angola, Afghanistan, etcetera. CIA Chokes Rebels’ Weapon Supply Amid Islamist Fears By John Follain London Sunday Times August 12, 2012 Pg. 26 DESPITE mounting calls in Washington for a more aggressive US military role in Syria, the CIA has been quietly working along its northern border with Turkey to limit the supplies …

NIGHTWATCH: Syrian Alawites in Fight to the Death (or Exile) – Phi Beta Iota: The Era of MINORITY Rule by Violence Is OVER

Syria: On 6 August, just days after the government declared Damascus nearly rid of rebel fighters, a bomb detonated on the third floor of Syria’s state television and radio building in Damascus, leaving several people injured, according to Syrian state television. Comment: The Syria opposition’s tactics resemble those of the Afghan mujahedin who fought the …

Patrick Meier: Twitter Dashboard & Media Analysis for Crisis Response

CrisisTracker: Collaborative Social Media Analysis For Disaster Response I just had the pleasure of speaking with my new colleague Jakob Rogstadius from Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (Madeira-TTI). Jakob is working on CrisisTracker, a very interesting platform designed to facilitate collaborative social media analysis for disaster response. The rationale for CrisisTracker is the same one behind Ushahidi’s SwiftRiver project …