Eagle: Obama’s SOTU “Urinating on Public Intelligence”

Obama’s “State of Delusion Address”: Rebuilding America With War Crimes by Finian Cunningham From beginning to end, Barack Obama’s State of the Union speech was replete with delusion and falsifications. His promise of building an “America that lasts” was predicated on a sentimental, but utterly disingenuous notion of selfless teamwork. The invocation of American military …

Gordon Duff: Obama Assassination Legal Under Torah / Israeli Law? False Flag Nuclear Hit on Chicago? Bio-War on Poor? + Israel Atrocity and False Flag RECAP

Obama Assassination Said to be Legal Under Israeli Law Israeli Right to Kill President Supportable … by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor Veterans Today, 24 January 2012 Last week, an obscure publication in Atlanta issued what seemed to be a “suggestion” that the Israeli government “eliminate” President Obama for “reasons of state.”  The argument made by …

Josh Kilbourn: Obama to Use Pension Funds of Ordinary Americans to Pay for Bank Mortgage “Settlement”

Obama to Use Pension Funds of Ordinary Americans to Pay for Bank Mortgage “Settlement” Naked Capitalist, 23 January 2012 EXTRACT: The president seems to labor under the misapprehension that crimes by members of the elite must be swept under the rug because prosecuting them would destablize the system. What he misses is that we are …

Mini-Me: Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths

Economists Scoff at Obama, Romney Job-Creation Myths: Ezra Klein Bloomberg, 11 January 2012 EXTRACT: Believing the Unbelievable To buy much of this requires you to hold deeply ridiculous beliefs about the American economy. You must believe that Obama bears responsibility for events that predate his presidency and deserves applause for the demand created by aging …