Review: The End of Iraq–How American Incompetence Created a War Without End (Hardcover)

Lack of Balance,Good Detail, First-Rate Personal Perspective, July 20, 2006 Peter W. Galbraith I recommend the other reviews, including the negative ones, for they accurately depict a lack of balance that might normally cause me to give this book one less star. However, because it has first-rate personal perspective including extraordinary travel that most US …

Process Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2006 US Process CRS Data Mining and Homeland Security 2006 US Process Turnbull GSA Collaborative Workshop on Information Sharing 2005 US Process Clapper Interview 2005 US Process DNI Press Release on Appointment of ADDNI/OS 2005 US Process DNI Office of the DNI Organization Charts 2005 US Process Gerecht Need for New Clandestine Service 2005 US …

2006 THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest

Congressman Rob Simmons (R-CT-02) lost by eighty-three votes in 2006.  A retired U.S. Army Colonel who pioneered Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and whose service on the House Committee for Homeland Security focused on the urgency of greating public intelligence useful to our state, county, municipality, and tribal leaders, his defeat came in part because two …