Stephen E. Arnold: Information Black Holes + Findability

Information Black Holes: Autonomy and Its Value Proposition I follow two or three LinkedIn groups. Believe me. The process is painful. On the plus side, LinkedIn’s discussions of “enterprise search” reveal the broken ribs in the body of information retrieval. On the surface, enterprise search and content processing appear to be fit and trim. The …

Rickard Falkvinge: UK ISPs Censorship Violates Mere Carrier Status, Opens Way for Punishing Legal Assault

Censorship Triggers Liability: UK ISPs Need To Be Sued Way Out Into Atlantic Infrastructure: Internet Service Providers in the United Kingdom have started censoring the Internet wholesale by default. This is a horrible transgression against the free exchange of ideas, cheered on by authoritarian politicians. However, there is an important weapon built into the legal framework …

Berto Jongman: Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) — (Old) Big Data to See (New) Crises?

Half a Billion Clicks Can’t Be Wrong What big data tells us about next year’s crisis zones. EXTRACTS: ….my 2011 “Culturomics 2.0” study demonstrated the unique insights gleaned from looking at how the media covers an event, rather than just what it covers. The Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) project is the …