OSINT Literature Review, Name Association, Lessons Learned

Tough love, this is. Lessons Learned from a 22 Year Fight: 01 Steele’s biggest mistake was in not ensuring OSS conference presentations were indexed in Conference Proceedings. Core value of presentation at International Studies Association (Intelligence) is that papers presented there are indexed and visible. 02 International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, American Intelligence Review, …

Tom Atlee: The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption

The rapid growth of serious responses to climate disruption A LOT of developments are emerging around the climate issue – a nonviolent insurgency, offensive and defensive fossil fuel divestment efforts, insurance industry responses, new forms of agriculture, dark humor, a cross country march, municipal preparedness, US administration actions, and more.  I also encourage action on …

Stephen E. Arnold: Disappearance of Scientific Big Data — and a Solution

Scientific Data Going, Going, Gone Years ago I did a report for a sci-tech database publisher. I wrote up the results of a number of on site visits at research universities. I reported that there was no mechanism to preserve researchers’ data. The reason was pretty obvious: Research facilities at universities are less important than …

Marcus Aurelius: Flag Misbehavior in Moscow — and Air Force Favoritism

This is one of the more egregious senior official screw-up cases.  Most of them seem to be zipper issues or misusing airplanes or misusing travel or misusing staff or things like that.  This one involves counterintelligence risk and potential international incident.  Summarized:  monumental dumb-ass. I have occasional chance contact in the gym with a very …

Jean Lievens: 7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 — Comment by Robert Steele

7 Ways Big Data Could Revolutionize Our Lives by 2020 TEXT SUMMARY: 1. Websites and Apps will be safer. 2. Everyone could have access to higher education. 3. Landing a job will become easier. 4. Roads will be safer. 5. We’ll predict the future for smarter business. 6. We’ll predict the weather and protect the …

IO Newsletter V 14 N 1

PDF (49 Pages): ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v14_no_01 In this issue: 1.      How to Fight Cyber War? Estonia Shows The Way 2.      Utilizing Social Media during Major Events 3.      Google Launches Project Shield Cybersecurity Initiative for ‘Free Expression’ 4.      U.S.-Style Personal Data Gathering Is Spreading Worldwide 5.      How They …