Tom Atlee Reflects, Paul Hawken’s Commencement Address

PHI BETA IOTA NOTE:  The Co-Intelligence Insittute is one of the Righteous Sites, but it is the ONLY Righteous Site whose gentle fund-raising we specifically endorse.  There is no better investment for a given dollar than in supporting Tom Atlee’s inspirational work.  PLEASE consider a donation of any amount, $40 is suggested.  Robert Steele just …

Journal: Collective intelligence at a time of global crisis – Tom Atlee

Tom Atlee’s research and thought innovations span from the conscious evolution of social systems to collaborative dynamics to a host of other ideas centering on group, social and political dynamics. He has worked with a number of leading authors on their books including ‘Awakening: The Upside of Y2K’. More recently Tom Atlee has been exploring …

2004 Atlee (US) Beyond Intelligence Reform: Shifting from Intelligence to Co-Intelligence

Godlen Candle Award: Mr. Tom Atlee OSS ’04: To Tom Atlee, founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute, for his sustained leadership in the vanguard of an informed democracy.  His book, The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Worlds for All is in the best traditions of Thomas Jefferson, who said “A Nation’s …

2004 Atlee (US) A Model of the Operational Subsystems and Dynamics Within Intelligent Systems (Individual, Organizational, Societal)

Godlen Candle Award: Mr. Tom Atlee OSS ‘04: To Tom Atlee, founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute, for his sustained leadership in the vanguard of an informed democracy.  His book, The Tao of Democracy: Using Co-Intelligence to Create a World that Worlds for All is in the best traditions of Thomas Jefferson, who said “A Nation’s …