Berto Jongman: Interesting Global Security Links

Book Review: Bring on the Beautiful Trouble – Toolbox for Revolution Database spotlight: Profiles of Perpetrators of Terrorism in the United States (PPT-US) DoD Installation Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and High-Yield Explosive (CBRNE) Preparedness Standards DoD Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Human Effects Characterization Get Ready to Shake, Rattle and Glow — The Worst is Yet to …

David Swanson: Veterans for Peace Call for End to NATO

Veterans For Peace Calls for an End to NATO By Veterans For Peace Veterans for Peace works for the abolition of war, and while that process will take many steps, one that should be taken immediately is the dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. NATO has always been a war-making institution lacking in accountability …

Penguin: US/UK Perpetuate Soviet False Flag Model + Meta-RECAP

Phillip Knightley: When is a terror threat not a terror threat? Let’s ask a man called Felix… All intelligence services rely on convincing the public there is a monster at large waiting to grab them The British undercover agent in the underpants bomb plot that has emerged so sensationally in recent days, was recruited using …

John Steiner: Japan Going Nuke Free? Will US and China Follow?

Japan May Go Nuke-Free Tomorrow…But Will the US & China Follow?, May 3, 2012 Japan’s one remaining operating reactor (of 54) may go dark tomorrow.  Japan would be nuke-free for the first time in a half-century. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda is desperately trying to get Osaka’s Mayor to allow the Ohi nuke to stay open. …

Chuck Spinney: Obama & Netanyabua — Scorpions in a Bottle

How two scorpions trapped in a bottle weaken each other while they strengthen Hamas and Iran and increase the risks of nuclear proliferation throughout the Middle East. Attached is an excellent explanation of this.  Not addressed specifically, but nevertheless implicit in the discussion is the universal influence of domestic politics in the shaping or a …