Joachim Hagopian: The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death.                  David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor[1] Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled …

Matthew Ehret: Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics

Escaping the Brave New World: Transhumanism, Utopias and Eugenics What are the roots of the transhumanist movement that is currently shaping so much of today’s zeitgeist under such themes as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, Ray Kurzweil’s “singularity point”, and Klaus Schwab’s 4th Industrial Revolution? In this Escaping the Brave New World Podcast, Chained Muse Editor David …