Jean Lievens: Dogecoin – Beyond Bitcoin – Public Routing Around and Away from Government

At the time of writing, Bitcoin has fallen from its $1000-plus value, but it’s still sitting high at just $100, or so, less. Because of the ruthless competition involved in Bitcoin mining, intrepid internet entrepreneurs have been moving over to the cheaper, though less competitive alternative, Litecoin. If the trend continues, Litecoin will soon mimic …

Chuck Spinney: The Intellectual and Political Foundations of 21st Century Jihad Sayyid Qutub’s Fundamentalism and Abu Bakr Naji’s Jihadism

My friend, Bill Polk, a distinguished historian specializing in the Middle East, is busily writing a series of extended essays aimed at increasing our understanding of the conflict in Syria and, by extension, our seemingly  perpetual war with the Islamic world.  I posted the first part of this series, collectively entitled Understanding Syria, on 8 …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Assasins for Hire – Pay with Bitcoin China and Bitcoin Cyber Security Tools List Cyber Threat to Energy Sector CryptoLocker Protection Dark Money Groups Fueled by Cable Deterrence? A Revaluation of Premises (Russ Wellen) Hanford Nuclear Gets Worse Happiness is Love.  Period. (Harvard Study, 75 Years) Intelligence Information Sharing (Small Wars Journal) Malware Epidemics (Recorded …

Chuck Spinney: Is Israel an Apartheid State?

Attached is a thoughtful essay in which Israeli war hero (1948), ex-Knesset member, and peace activist Uri Avnery examines the likenesses and differences between Israel and Apartheid South Africa. Chuck Spinney ————————————————– WEEKEND EDITION OCTOBER 25-27, 2013 South African Apartheid was Brought Down by the Blacks Themselves Is Israel an Apartheid State? by URI AVNERY, …

Berto Jongman: NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Addresses European Parliament on the American Surveillance State + NSA Role in Global Assassination Program

NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake Addresses European Parliament on the American Surveillance State by Government Accountability Project on September 30, 2013 ( The Whistleblogger / 2013 ) Earlier today, former National Security Agency (NSA) Senior Executive Thomas Drake addressed a special Civil Liberties Committee (LIBE) created by the European Parliament to investigate spying efforts by the United States …