Chuck Spinney: Questions Not Asked in Presidential Debates

National Insecurity Questions That Won’t Be Asked in the Presidential Debates How Bad Will Things Get in Afghanistan? by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY. Counterpunch, October 08, 2012 For reasons that were quite clear well before the Afghan “surge” began (see here and here), America’s Afghan adventure is now ending without achieving its goals. The prospects for a civil life in Afghanistan are likely …

Chuck Spinney: Predictable Meltdown in Afghanistan – Strategic Decrepitude and Lack of Integrity Go Hand in Hand

The below BBC report, Afghanistan’s ‘green on blue’ collapse of trust,  places the fatal flaw in the McChrystal plan used by Mr. Obama to justify the Afghan surge in 2010 — namely General McChrystal’s failure to examine the strengths and weaknesses of the plan to rapidly build up the Afghan Army/police — into sharp relief. This …

Chuck Spinney: LIBYA – It’s About the Tribes, NOT Islam vs. “Democracy”

Libyan democracy hijacked The Libyans clearly indicated in July what kind of government they wanted, and who should be in it. But things are not working out that way and the security situation is deteriorating   by Patrick Haimzadeh, Le Monde Diplomatique Nothing is going to plan in Libya. It took the death of the …

Chuck Spinney: Syria, Rebels, Complexity and Foreign (Uninformed) Meddling….Hark Back to Viet-Nam, Central America, Afghanistan….

According the attached report in the 3 October issue of the New York Times, defections from Assad’s army to the Free Syrian Army (FSA) have slowed to a trickle. No major units have defected. The FSA has resulted to trickery and coercion to gain recruits, including drugging and kidnapping. Moreover, rebel tactics, like suicide bombing …

Chuck Spinney: Today’s Good News – Netanyahu Back in His Box (Temporarily)

  How Netanyahu’s bomb Iran ploy failed Netanyahu will no doubt campaign for re-election at home by demonising Iran as an “existential threat”, writes Porter. Gareth Porter, Al Jazeera, 4 October 2012 Dr Gareth Porter is an investigative journalist and historian specialising in US national security policy The rest of the world can stop worrying …