Chuck Spinney: USG Arrogant Ignorance on Syria

Perhaps the most enduring feature of US foreign policy is a self-righteous sense of divine mission blinds the Orientations of its self-referencing practitioners to the real world consequences of their Decisions, and Actions. Their missionary zeal makes their outlooks impervious to the corrective effects negative feedback from the real world. Put simply, with a few …

Chuck Spinney: US Economy Still Hollow, Election Will Not Change That Fact

Who Will Create More Jobs: Romney or Obama? Why It’s a Distinction Without a Difference by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY CounterPunch, 24 September 2012 My prediction: The eventual answer will turn out to be a distinction without a difference.  Here’s why. Both political parties and their candidates for President now accept neoliberal ideology as being the …

Chuck Spinney: America, the Muslims, and a Video That Went from Zero to Mach 2 – Origin of the Video Known, Who Took It Into Arabia and Africa Not Known

Below is an outstanding essay on an unfolding issue of great importance. Chuck Spinney WEEKEND EDITION SEPTEMBER 14-16, 2012 The Reality Behind the “Free Speech” Argument America and the Muslims by ESAM AL-AMIN, Counterpunch Thousands of angry Muslims demonstrated in front of American embassies and consulates in Egypt and Libya because of a newly released …

Chuck Spinney: Russian Land, Chinese Labor – The North Evolves

Interesting evolution of Russo-Chinese relations Nation Rich in Land Draws Workers From One Rich in People By ANDREW E. KRAMER The New York Times, 10 September 2012 OSTANINO, Russia — When a Chinese investor bought a farm outside this village a few years back, he was pleased enough to name it Golden Land. The soil …

Chuck Spinney: Mike Lofgren and Bill Moyers on US Political Dysfunctionality

Mike Lofgren on Dysfunction in Our Political Parties August 31, 2012 Bill talks with Mike Lofgren, a long-time Republican who describes the modern dysfunction of both the Republican and Democratic parties. In Lofgren’s view, Republicans have become overly obsessed with obstructing President Obama, and the Democrats suffer from political complacency. Lofgren’s new book is The …

Chuck Spinney: US Navy – More Admirals than Ships? Comprehensive Survey of Flag Officer Bloat as Foundation for Failed Militaries Across History

How bad is our bloat of generals? How does it compare with other armies? Fabius Maximus, 10 September 2012 Summary:  As a followup to yesterday’s rant by Richard A Pawloski (Captain, USMC, retired) about our bloated corps of senior generals, today we look at the actual numbers.  They show that if anything Pawloski understated the situation, …

Chuck Spinney: Egypt Emergent, Syria Sidelined, Palestian Justice Ready or Not….

Only a few weeks ago, most western observers had written off Mohamed Morsi, the new President of Egypt and a moderate member of the Muslim Brotherhood, as a stooge who would dance to the tune of the military rulers of the Egyptian deep state.  That view is rapidly changing.  Morsi quickly consolidated power by forcing …