Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update…

Amazonia Update Sharing the Digital Goodies Amazon Means Delivering the Goods Alleged Dirty Tricks The Amazon Marketplace Jungle AWS: How Big? $600 Billion Big Crystal City to Gleam Again? What? Us Worry? Ask FedEx and UPS Amazon In House Brands Read post with links.

Stephen E. Arnold: Facebook, WhatsApp, Enabling Crypto-Porn

Facebook: WhatsApp and In App Payment I noted two developments which Facebook may roll out. The first is the story in Newsweek “WhatsApp Child Porn Groups Exposed.” WhatsApp is an encrypted messaging service. As pressure on “old school” Dark Web sites continues to escalate, bad actors are looking for new, easy ways to communicate, share, …

Stephen E. Arnold: Deep Fakes – AI Shows Its Hand in Creating the Matrix

Deep Fakes: Technology Is Usually Neutral Ferreting out fake news has become an obsession for search and AI jockeys around the globe. However, those jobs are nothing compared to the wave of fake photos and videos that grow increasingly convincing as technology helps to iron out the wrinkles. That’s a scary prospect to more than …

Stephen E. Arnold: The Weaponization of Social Media — #GoogleGestapo

Quote to Note: Experts from UK Take a Look at US Social Media I read “Silicon Valley’s ‘Belated and Uncoordinated’ Efforts at Dealing with Russian Fake News Revealed.” The report was created by experts in the UK and leaded to the Washington Post. Here’s a quote which suggests the principal finding: “Social media have gone …

Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Update Including Lockheed Martin Satellite Grid Deal…

Amazonia for December 10, 2018 What’s with Amazon in the space data game? We learned  about “Amazon’s Plan to Profit from Space Data” from the Daily Herald. Here’s the plan: “Rather than build its own satellite dishes and ground stations, the company has brokered an exclusive “multiyear strategic business agreement” with Bethesda-based defense contractor Lockheed …