Eagle: FBI Mass Murder Database — Incomplete? Truth Teller on Sandy Hook and Aurora? Or Both?

In FBI murder data, mass killings often go missing When 26 teachers, students and administrators were shot to death at Sandy Hook Elementary School, it made national news for weeks. But there was one place 2012’s largest mass killing was never mentioned: the FBI database that tracks all U.S. homicides. And that isn’t the only …

Robert Perry: Has US Just Declared War on Truth?

US War Theories Target Dissenters Exclusive: In the Orwellian world of Official Washington, the U.S. government is now wedded to the theory of “information warfare,” meaning that Americans who challenge national security policy may be treated as “unprivileged belligerents” under the new Law of War doctrine, retired JAG Major Todd E. Pierce writes.    

Sepp Hasslberger: Greek Debt Truth Committee Finds Debt to be Illegal, Illegitimate, and Odious — Should Not Be Paid

The bankers want their pound of flesh, but the Greek people, even their parliamentarians, resist… Hellenic Parliament’s Debt Truth Committee Preliminary Findings – Executive Summary of the report EXTRACT The research of the Committee presented in this preliminary report sheds light on the fact that the entire adjustment programme, to which Greece has been subjugated, …