Berto Jongman: CIA Murdered Western Politicians?

Ex-Pentagon Advisor Reveals How CIA Killed Western Politicians During Cold War Baab and Harkavy’s book, ‘In the Spider Web of the Secret Services: Why Were Olaf Palme, Uwe Barschel and William Colby Murdered?’, takes aim at the CIA’s suspected involvement in the officials’ deaths. Based on secret documents from seven different intelligence agencies, conversations with former agents, toxicology reports, and consultations …

Worth a Look: Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Zionists

An accurate accounting of the history of Blacks and Jews from the Columbian era to the Civil War, including the extensive record of Jewish slave trading in the western hemisphere. 334 pages – 1,275 footnotes – More than 3,000 sources – Jewish journals, encyclopedias, newspapers & other publications – Jewish scholars & rabbis – Court …

Robert Steele with Joseph Cotto: What is the Deep State, really? Includes Mossad & Pedophilia Entrapment Agent Jeffrey Epstein

‘Deep state’ gets thrown around more than a bit in political discussions these days. Just what does it mean, though? Former CIA clandestine services officer, top Amazon reviewer, author, and media commentator Robert David Steele answers a most controversial — and complex — question on this week’s ‘San Francisco Review of Books on Sunday.’

Yoda: William Tompkins

Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview – Part 1 Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview – Part 2 Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview – Part 3 More Below the Fold