Owl: Paul Craig Roberts on Paris 12 False Flag Anomalies, Media Complicity

Charlie Hebdo, Another False Flag, Brought to You by the US, with Help From French Intel & Mossad – Roberts Robert’s observations below about the the alleged getaway car driver in the Paris shootings, Hamid Mourad, who turned himself in (which for the time being saved his life) jack up the probability this was a …

Review: Beyond the Fracking Wars – A Guide for Lawyers, Public Officials, Planners, and Citizens

Erica Levine Powers and Beth E. Kinne (editors) 4 stars. Useful contribution badly marketed and badly priced The authors, being from New York, know what the NYT and Mother Jones both missed in their stories on Governor Cuomo banning fracking in New York: that it was a legal couple Helen and David Slottje that went …

Jean Lievens: Greek Lessons — How Syriza (A Political Party) Might End European Central Banking Tyranny Plus Comment on Debt Renunciation and Embargos

Syriza can transform the EU from within – if Europe will let it EXTRACT Syriza promises first to achieve a substantial write-off of Greek debt and, second, to lift austerity by aiming for balanced budgets, instead of the surpluses demanded by the troika. It will reconnect families to the electricity network, provide food relief and …

Owl: Jeb Bush vs Hillary Clinton 2016 — Two Crime Families Fight for Scraps?

Oh, going to do it, no doubt about it. It’s going to be him against Hillary.  2 crime families fighting it out. Inevitable. Jeb Bush sending signals that he may be getting ready for 2016 presidential run “Jeb Bush and his emissaries are sending increasingly strong signals that the former Florida governor is gearing up …

SchwartzReport: 20 Key Findings on CIA Torture — Should President Fire DNI, USDI, and D/CIA?

20 key findings about CIA interrogations Almost 13 years after the CIA established secret prisons to hold and interrogate detainees, the Senate Intelligence Committee released a report on the CIA’s programs listing 20 key findings. Click a statement below for a summary of the findings: 1 “not an effective means of acquiring intelligence” 2 “rested …


MISIÓN: Ayudar a la nueva Secretaría de Inteligencia Ecuatoriana evitar errores de inteligencia occidentales y elaborar un nuevo enfoque de la inteligencia nacional que es holística, conscientes de los costos reales, y de apoyo de interes del Presidente en código abierto todo ingeniería. De paso, para proponer que este modelo sea presentada a otros países …

ANSWERS to Spanish Dancer on CIA and SOF Replacing Conventional Forces

My Masters is focused on Strategic Studies and International Security and my thesis is about the relevance of the black-ops (paramilitary) to the detriment of the conventional military operations in America´s foreign policy. Basically I argue (due to literature that I´ve been revising for more than a year) that it is a fact that since …