Journal: Alternative Media Trumps “Main” Media, White House Denies ClimateGate, Google Strips “ClimateGate” as a Suggested Term

The Big Question: Does ‘climate-gate’ matter politically? Of course ClimateGate matters politically, and the damage has only begun.  This won’t help their electoral prospects. It also has ramifications for health care: If you can’t trust them on global warming, can you trust them on cancer screenings? Obama Ignores ‘Climate-Gate’ in Revising Copenhagen Plans The White …

Journal: ClimateGate Denial–Adriana Loses It

ClimateGate:  The 6 Most Dubious Claims About The Supposed “Global Warming Hoax” Phi Beta Iota: For those who do not read, the six “myths” discussed in Arianna Huffington’s blog will be just as credible as the documented lies and fraudulent misrepresentations of the International Committee on Climate Change (IPCC), which in our view should be …

Journal: ClimateGate, Copenhagen, Integrity

Climategate: Science Is Dying  (WS) The East Anglians’ mistreatment of scientists who challenged global warming’s claims—plotting to shut them up and shut down their ability to publish—evokes the attempt to silence Galileo. The exchanges between Penn State’s Michael Mann and East Anglia CRU director Phil Jones sound like Father Firenzuola, the Commissary-General of the Inquisition. …

Journal: Climate battle bill to top $300 billion–Guyana

PORT OF SPAIN — The true cost of fighting climate change will top 300 billion dollars and developed countries may balk at footing the bill, Guyana’s Prime Minister Bharrat Jagdeo said Saturday. Leading economists have calculated that “the cost of action and mitigation would be about one percent of the global economy,” he told journalists. …

Review: The Vanishing of a Species? A Look at Modern Man’s Predicament by a Geologist (Hardcover)

Posthumous Reflections of Extraordinary Value November 30, 2009 Peter Gretener QUOTES: “The system has had it.” “Environmental science–or engineering–is at best a misnomer and at worst a fraud.” This author, like the author of The Real Global Warming Disaster: Is the Obsession with “Climate Change” Turning Out to Be the Most Costly Scientific Blunder in …

Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while …