Paul Fernhout: Bloomberg on Open Source Intelligence…

The author works for the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, not for Bloomberg.  Still, it is nice to see Bloomberg taking notice of the obvious. To Defeat Terrorists, Start Using the Library: Scott Helfstein Bloomberg, 30 August 2011 The information glut that marks the 21st century is evidenced in some unexpected places. Last month, …

John Robb: Free Online Open Source Education + RECAP

JOURNAL: Open Source Education A couple of years back I asked (in the article “Industrial Education” which is worth a read): “An Ivy League Education for less than $20 a month.  Why not?” At the time there were only a smattering of course materials online.  That’s changing.  It’s coming.  Here’s an example of a class that …

Steven Aftergood: Open Source Intelligence Act III

Phi Beta Iota:  Act I was 1988-1993.  Act II was 1993-2011.  Act III began with the publication of NO MORE SECRETS with a Foreword by Senator Gary Hart (D-CO). Below the line in full (or click on links to originals): OPEN UP OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE THE INSTITUTIONALIZATION OF OPEN SOURCE INTELLIGENCE  

Review (Guest): No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Hamilton Bean 5.0 out of 5 stars The Folly of Secret Intelligence,July 28, 2011 By  Retired Reader (New Mexico) – See all my reviews Ever had someone try to undercut your position by alluding to “secret” information whose details, alas, cannot be shared but allegedly trump your arguments. How much worse when it is the …

Reference: No More Secrets – Open Source Intelligence/Intelligence Reform Fight Round II

Updated 4 Aug 2011 to add M4IS2 Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2) 2012 Manifesto for Truth: Expanding the Open Source Revolution (Evolver Editions, July 2012) 2010: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Trilogy Updated 2010 INTELLIGENCE FOR EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability 2006 Briefing to the Coalition Coordination Center (CCC) Leadership at the U.S. …

Review: No More Secrets – Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence

Hamilton Bean 5.0 out of 5 stars Spectacular Integrative and Pioneering Work, July 27, 2011 This is a pioneering work that not only explains the true worth of open source intelligence, but also illuminates the institutional bias against it and the pathologies of a culture of secrecy. The use of primary data from interviews makes …