Berto Jongman: Climate Summit Model Broken, Capitalism Criminal, Government Toxic, Public Must Learn to Think and Act for the Public

Climate Summit Trap: Capitalism’s March toward Global Collapse An Essay by Harald Welzer The Warsaw conference demonstrated that the “climate summit” model is broken and, more importantly, that capitalism itself is driving us to the brink. Protests are not the solution — it’s time to fight the system using its own weapons. The municipal utility …

4th Media: Israeli Babylon Network Dishonest to the Core — a Global Thief Shocks Even Google Evil Into Banning Them

Google Bans Israeli Babylon Internet giant Yahoo! announced on November 10, 2013, that it won’t end its revenue sharing contract with Israeli Babylon, despite Google terminating its similar contract on November 30. Google provided above 40% of Babylon’s revenues during the second quarter of 2013; Yahoo! provided over 30%, which amounts to almost $20 million. …

Review (Guest): JFK, the CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy

L. Fletcher Prouty The Long Journey to Dallas Texas, October 31, 2013 Herbert L. Calhoun The Long Journey to Dallas Texas Spoiler alert: This is neither the shortest version, nor the shortest route to understanding the JFK assassination. But it is as close to the complete canonical text and understanding of the assassination as there …

Review (Guest): Savage Kingdom – The True Story of Jamestown, 1607, and the Settlement of America

Benjamin Woolley Some Long-term American Myths finally Meet Reality, October 20, 2013 By Herbert L Calhoun “paulocal” EXTRACT An important footnote on Slavery Chapter Twenty-One, entitled the Imbangala, tells the story of how slavery got into the English colonial picture. It is such an interesting and unexpected story that I am including a rough summary …