Jim Fetzer: Suppressing and Manipulating 9/11 Truth using the internet [Disappearing Facts, Not Just People]

“I am overwhelmed by the elegance and simplicity of the techniques that are being deployed to defeat the dissemination of 9/11 Truth to the American public”–Jim Fetzer The massive NSA surveillance program appears to have benefits for those who are in control beyond what has been generally acknowledged, which, evidence suggests, includes manipulating search engines …

Paul Craig Roberts: Is the USA a “Failed State?”

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State” Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary US Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Professor of Political Economy Center for Strategic and International Studies Georgetown University Washington DC. Question:  Dr. Roberts,  the United States is regarded as the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Tables and News — or Tables and Decision-Support?

Tablets and Periodicals October 19, 2013 Are tablets the salvation of the newspaper industry? Google’s chief economist thinks they may be. In a speech he recently gave in Milan, Hal Varian points to the ways consumers’ usage of tablets differs from that of other devices. Writer Will Conley summarizes: “Varian said tablets are the most …

Paul Craig Roberts: Americans Selling Body Parts for Income

Bloomberg News — Americans Sell Body Parts For Income The American economic crisis of the 21st century is becoming worse. Wall Street and the multinational US corporations have offshored millions of US jobs that provided middle class incomes. Americans who lost these jobs have experienced dramatic reductions in their incomes and access to medical care. …