Matt Asay: Is Facebook The World’s Largest Open Source Company?

Is Facebook The World’s Largest Open Source Company? Red Hat used to wear the open source crown. Then Google. But Facebook and other web giants now contribute the most to open source. Matt Asay ReadWrite, October 17, 2013 Quick question: which is the largest open source company on Earth? That’s easy, right? It’s clearly Red …

LtCol X: CSA Sends – Strategic Priorities for the Army – with Phi Beta Iota Comments

Please note Army Chief of Staff General Raymond T. Odierno‘s updated strategic priorities for the US Army, arranged in five (5) categories. PDF Slide Show: CSA Strategic Priorities vFinal 16Oct13 From those, here is an extract . EXTRACTS: [DOWNSIZED ARMY; EXPEDITIONARY] – Downsize, transition, and then sustain a smaller, but ready and capable Total Army …

Rickard Falkvinge: Salute to US Border Guards — Travis McCrea No Longer Harrassed

Victory: US Border Patrol Reverses Harassment Thanks To You Posted: 14 Oct 2013 03:45 PM PDT Activism – Travis McCrea: Back in September, I posted a cute GIF laden post which outlined my harassment by the US Border Patrol, where they have gone as far as accused the Pirate Party of being a terrorist movement. A …

David Swanson: Two Kind’s of Countries – Israel’s Dangerous Path

Two Kinds of Countries: Israel’s Dangerous Path There are two kinds of countries or societies or places to live. In the first kind, decent, fair, kind, and respectful treatment of every person takes precedent over anyone’s preferences for how a culture changes or how much effort is expended trying to slow the change of a …

Chuck Spinney: How Contemporary War “Reporting” Messes Up Your OODA Loops

The attached article is a very important and informative essay.  Patrick Cockurn describes how the media echo chamber warps the Orientation* of the public, as well as that of a government, to unfolding events in the so-called global war on terror that triggered by 9-11 and the continuously metastasizing instabilities the GWOT is unleashing.  I regard …

IO Newsletter Vol 13 No 10

ARSTRAT_IO_Newsletter_v13_no_09 Articles in this issue: 1.      The Fanciful World of Cyber Warfare 2.      Electronic Warfare: The Cat-And-Mouse Game Continues 3.      Mysterious Actions of Chinese Satellites Have Experts Guessing 4.      Want to See China’s Latest Top-Secret Military Site? Just Google It 5.      Redhack Announces Election Software …