Event: 16–19 Jan 2011 Honolulu, Hawaii; Pacific Telecommunications Council 2011, Connecting Life 24/7

PTC’11: Connecting Life 24/7 will examine how telecom is changed and challenged by always-connected users with new requirements and preferences, the transformation of the value chain, changing regulatory concerns, and new demands for high-performance infrastructure. PTC’11 Program Highlights Monday, 17 January 2011 Carrier Transformation Ihab Tarazi, VP, Global Network Planning, Verizon, USA Joe Weinman, Communications, …

Journal: Two Denied Area Intelligence Failures

The first of two on IC failures….as if we didn’t need any more proof.  DefDog Reports indicate China’s fifth generation jet fighter rollout far ahead of U.S. intel projections East-Asia-Intel.com, December 1, 2010 Chinese military Internet reports indicate that China may roll out its first fifth generation fighter as early as this month, far earlier …

Reference: Transparency Killer App Plus “Open Everything” RECAP (Back to 01/2007)

Gregory Unruh Director of the Lincoln Center for Ethics in Global Management at Thunderbird Posted: December 3, 2010 03:21 PM Transparency: The Internet’s Killer CSR App EXTRACT: Today “Wikileaks” makes the McLibel case look like child’s play. Corporate executives should watch closely as diplomats cringe under the sudden and violent spotlight. The same scrutiny is …