Robert Steele: Saving Civilization – Time & Truth Matter

Short URL: The tide has clearly turned against the techno-financial paradigm that disregards natural capital costs and exploits the 99% in favor of the 1%. Even a few billionaires have figured this out. Time, however, is not on our side, nor is truth easy to find in today’s severely corrupt information environment where all …

Mongoose: Elliot Higgins & BellingCat Blown

Comments by Abe made in response to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) “A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack,”, provide compelling indictment of Elliot Higgins and BellingCat, pretenders in the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) world who have taken in the gullible in the mainstream media. We find these comments so useful we are …

Michel Onfray: French Joined the Americans in War on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Mali…Reap As Ye Sow…

Michel Onfray : « La France doit cesser sa politique islamophobe » Point: After the announcement of the attacks of November 13, you wrote on twitter: “It was the [Western] Right and Left  who sowed the war against political Islam and we are now reaping blowback from that war against political Islam. “Do not you feel like you …

Charles Mallea: Death to Uber – the Open Source Rebel Alliance

Fighting Uber’s Death Star with a Rebel Alliance of co-op platforms As Mark Andreessen noted, software is eating the world because once it’s developed, it scales to infinity. That means that once a worker’s co-op of drivers clones Uber’s platform in free/open code, drivers in every city in the world can disrupt the company, throw …

Mongoose: Azerbaijan – the Next Tarpit

Azerbaijan: Israel’s secret Muslim friend Israel and Azerbaijan are natural allies since “both countries see Iran as an existential threat.” Location explains Azerbaijan’s standing in the world. Situated on the oil rich Caspian Sea, the state is wooed by Western governments seeking an alternative to Russia as a source of energy imports. Israel is one …