Robert Steele: Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan

Rebuilding National Intelligence – A 12-Step Plan Why Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, and Chuck Hagel Need to THINK….now. Robert David STEELE Vivas OpEdNews, 27 July 2014 DOC (21 Pages): Steele Rebuilding National Intelligence 1.9 SHORT URL: As we begin the final two and a half years (less seven days) of the Obama-Biden …

Nathan Schneider: Hacking the World – About Gabriella Coleman, Anthropologist and Aaron Swartz Among Others

Hacking the World An anthropologist in the midst of a geek insurgency The Chronicle Review, 1 April 2013 CONCLUSION The success that Anonymous and WikiLeaks have had in spooking the powerful is surely part of what motivated the scare tactics used against Aaron Swartz. Such tactics won’t necessarily work. Over the course of the memorial …

Marcus Aurelius: LTG Alexander Charging Wall Street $1M a Month for Telling Them How They Are Vulnerable [Because He & His Predecessors Refused to Protect US C4I as Directed]

Accurate?  Ethical? Former NSA Director Charging $1 Million a Month to Reveal US Intelligence Methods. Gen. Keith Alexander, who recently retired from his position at the top of the National Security Agency, is reportedly meeting with top brass from the financial industry to discuss how to best protect sensitive information, and he’s likely to charge …

Berto Jongman: DARPA’s Four Big CyberSecurity Initiatives

DARPA unveils four ‘big’ cybersecurity projects The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working on what it calls the “four big things” to protect U.S. military technology from hackers. Cybersecurity is the latest big deal in military affairs. It’s one of the few growing areas of the nation’s defense budget at a time when most …

Michel Bauwens: Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society

Transitioning to a Commons-Based Society Background on the FLOK Project Michel Bauwens: The National Plan of Ecuador recognizes and stresses that the global transformation towards knowledge-based societies and economies requires a new form for the creation and distribution of value in society. The National Plan’s central concept is the achievement of ‘Buen Vivir’ (Sumak Kawsay) …